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Topics:'warnings' 'sexual health' 'hospital related' 'lifestyles' 'health system'

    Health Benefits of Japanese Eel

    Nutritionally speaking, unagi contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E, which are effective agents for rejuvenating the body in summer.

    Health Benefits of Green Tea

    It's often reported that this magical astringent component has special health benefits. One of which has garnered particular attention is effectiveness against obesity.

    Health Benefits of Oysters

    If you have tried "energy drinks", you may have noticed "taurine" on the label. This amino acid has been reported to be effective in the treatment of various medical conditions.

    Health benefits of Soya Beans

    Lecithin contains phosphatidyl choline, a precursor to acetylcholine, which is the predominant parasympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter which is essential for a healthy nervous system.

    Health benefits of Soba Noodles

    Nutritionally buckwheat provides vitamins B1 and B2, several minerals, and nearly twice the amount of proteins found in rice.

    Health benefits of Water

    If you are of normal weight for your height, then the total required amount of water is 2.5 liters a day. Foods that have high moisture contents also contribute to your water supply.

Important Health Issues in Japan top

    Recognising Depression

    In Japan, more than 30,000 suicides are reported a year, and it is speculated that many of the victims suffered from a depressive disorder.

    Pregnancy in Japan

    Being pregnant and having a baby in a foreign country can sometimes be a frustrating process. There are many cultural and procedural differences in maternity care between Japan and other countries.

    Health Considerations Associated with Tanning

    It's very simple. UV radiation damages your skin, and this damage can lead to skin cancer. It's also a well-known fact that fair-skinned people get skin cancer far more frequently than those with darker skin.

    AIDS: Prevention

    Lecithin contains phosphatidyl choline, a precursor to acetylcholine, which is the predominant parasympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter which is essential for a healthy nervous system.

Articles Related to the Japanese Health Systemtop

    Health Care Interpreting

    Recently, some innovative programs in several areas in Japan have provided interpreting services in health care settings. In this month's issue, I'll introduce you to health care interpreting services in Japan.

    Visiting the Hospital

    In Japan almost all the medical treatments are covered by health insurance, and the cost depends on the examination or the treatment, not on the hospital or the doctor.

    Medical Seminar

    The main objective of the seminar was to get to know each profession in the field of medical communication. Doctors should know the existence of medical editors to improve their academic papers.

    The Social Insurance System

    The biggest English conversation school in Japan was recently accused of treating its non-Japanese instructors illegally.

Articles about Healthy Life styles in Japan top

    Getting a Massage

    She told me Anma was different from more modern practices in that they massage from the head down as opposed to feet up. Anma massages towards the lymph glands in the crotch, pits of the arms and neck areas.

    Hang Overs

    You've just opened your eyes to find yourself crumpled into a collapsed mess. Your mind gradually manages to reconstruct some memories of the previous night's activities. Then you feel like you're in the worst part of hell.

    The Perfect Posture

    From the side view, the spine should form a S-shaped curve, bisected by a plumb line dropped from the top of the head.

Articles Related to Japanese Hospitals

    Visiting the Hospital

    In Japan, medical treatment is covered by two types of health insurance; 1) Workers' Health Insurance Plan 2) National Health Insurance Plan.

    Prenancy Tests in Japan

    Being pregnant and having a baby in a foreign country can sometimes be a frustrating process. There are many cultural and procedural differences in maternity care between Japan and other countries.

Articles about food and health in Japan

    Travelers’ Diarrhea

    has been treated for years by antibiotics because it is caused by bacteria found mainly in local food.


    While there are good reasons the very word “meningitis” strikes terror, there are also good reasons why such terror is mostly needless.


    Cryptosporidium infects many animal species, including cows and horses, that then spread it to humans,

    Male Breasts

    The medical term for enlarged breasts in males is gynecomastia. True gynecomastia affects only a small number of men.

    Soothing Water

    Water. It is as much a part of summer as long, hot days. The warm smell of it from the backyard garden hose. The salty massage of it in an ocean tide. The crisp splash of it from a running jump in the pool.

    blossoms and allergies

    Nutritionally speaking, unagi contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E, which are effective agents for rejuvenating the body in summer.

    Broken Bones

    I have often had a standoff with the staff. I have to make them listen until they realize I can speak to them in their own language.

    Home Births

    She explained that she had probably been present at close to 14000 births. She was 88 at the time (2001). She had been a POW during the Japanese invasion of Mongolia.

    Visiting the hospital with your child

    Alot of pharmacy-only medicines are not sold over the counter here without a prescription. This has been frustrating for me because of the cost to see a Dr here.

    A women's experience

    ou were treated differently because you were not Japanese?

    Staff who know me are very kind and helpful. Those who don't are usually nervous the first time they talk to me.

Sexual Health Issues in Japan top

    The Female Condom

    This article examines the efficacy, effectiveness, acceptability, and re-use of the female condom and reflects on the viability of the female condom as a method for family planning and STI protection.

    The Latext Condom

    The latex condom is the only contraceptive method proven to reduce the risk of all STDs, including HIV.

    STD Prevention

    During the 20th century, improvements in sanitation and hygiene, reduced crowding, and the development of antimicrobials and vaccines have greatly reduced infectious disease morbidity in industrialized countries.

    AIDS: Prevention

    During the 20th century, improvements in sanitation and hygiene, reduced crowding, and the development of antimicrobials and vaccines have greatly reduced infectious disease morbidity in industrialized countries.

    A few health issues when camping in Hokkaido

    Hokkaido, which is the endemic area of Echinococcus, provides free check-ups for residents.

    Health Benefits of Cycling

    A major study of 10,000 civil servants suggested that those who cycled 20 miles over the period of a week were half as likely to suffer from heart disease as their non-cycling colleagues.

    Health Benefits of Cross Country Skiing

    Cross-country skiing is widely recognized as one of the healthiest activities you can do. There are 3 major reasons for that.


    Unlike skiers, who can step out when they lose their balance, snowboarders are more likely to topple over and the natural tendency is to fall onto an out stretched hand (hence the term'FOOSH' used in the Emergency Department to describe this action.

    Pre Season Winter Training

    Injury prevention, and if you are fit enough at the start you can get straight into it and not have to deal with those first few days when after your first day riding in 4 months you can hardly walk let alone ride! You get more out of your riding if you are fit no matter what level you are at, instead of doing 4 runs and having to go chill in the cafe for a couple you can ride right through the day.

    Hypothermia and Safe Winter Camping

    Being out of the path of avalanches and possible falling snow can also mean the difference between a great trip and serious injury. Some people take the time to build a small snow wall around their tent which can help cut the wind and make sleeping that much more comfortable.

Current Health Notices top

    The Noro Virus

    Nutritionally speaking, unagi contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E, which are effective agents for rejuvenating the body in summer.


    It's often reported that this magical astringent component has special health benefits. One of which has garnered particular attention is effectiveness against obesity.

| health information for Japan's people | founded in 2006 | aim: accessible and informative |